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Introduction to Research Skills: Home

Introduction to Research Skills

How to Use this Guide

The thought of academic research can be intimidating, but the process can be simplified by breaking down your research into a series of steps. This Introduction to Research Skills guide will walk you through the basics of academic research, providing tips and suggestions for each stage of the research process. In total, the guide consists of 6 main sections, each of which are listed in the Guide Contents below. Please note that 3 sections have subpages that provide additional context and resources. You can navigate the guide by using the tabs at the top of this screen, or by clicking the "Next" button at the bottom right of each page.

Guide Contents:

Library Hours

Smiley Memorial Library's regular semester hours are as follows:

Monday-Thursday: 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Note: Limited hours and closures may apply during holiday breaks or over the summer months. For updates regarding changes in Smiley Memorial Library's current hours, please view the Library website.

Students reading at table on the 2nd floor of Cupples Hall. An out of focus staircase is in the background.

This photograph of students reading at a table on the 2nd floor of Cupples Hall is from the Central Methodist University Archives and Special Collections. Digitized archival materials can be viewed online in CMU's JSTOR Collection.

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411 Central Methodist Square
Fayette, MO 65248
