In this video from the CrashCourse Navigating Digital Information series, John Green discusses how to digital media literacy skills apply to social media use. Below is a segment from the video where Green talks about social media algorithms, filter bubbles, and the dangers of algorithmic personalization and misinformation rabbit holes.
Filter Bubbles are arguably most recognizable in our social media feeds. Algorithms on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook monitor what you like, follow, share, post, save, watch, and click to tailor your feed to your interests and engage in targeted advertising. Think about your own social media accounts. What shows up in your feeds? Do you see content that challenges you or maybe even makes you uncomfortable? No, right? You see content that conforms to your existing interests and beliefs. Now, think about what you are not seeing. Can the personalization created by social media algorithms influence what information and ideas that you are exposed to? What effect do you think this would have?